Morobe, Papua New Guinea
Non Government Organisations (NGOs)
13th March 2025
Position Title: One Health Partnerships Coordinator (PNG National)
Position type: Full Time
Reports to: Community Development & Resilience Manager, TKCP-PNG
Location: Based in Lae, Morobe Province with frequent travel to the YUS Conservation Area Remuneration: A competitive salary package including family medical coverage, Nasfund contributions, worker’s compensation, and professional development opportunities.
The Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program (TKCP) is a model conservation program for Papua New Guinea (PNG) that benefits wildlife, people, and the environment. Since 1996 TKCP has worked with communities and government partners throughout the Yopno-Uruwa-Som (YUS) landscape in Kabwum and Tewae-Siassi Districts on Morobe’s Huon Peninsula. Designated in 2009, The 162,000-hectare YUS Conservation Area has high conservation value, with rare, diverse and threatened species and ecosystems.
The YUS landscape consists of 18 wards, each of which relies on natural resources for community health and wellbeing. With support from TKCP, YUS landowners and ward representatives develop localized Land Use Plans (LUPs) every five years. These LUPs define each ward’s conservation, habitat restoration and community development priorities, enabling greater collaboration among clans as to efficient use of land and resources. The LUPs, together with the Ward Development Plans, are designed to inform and guide the Local, District and Provincial Government’s planning and budget allocation in accordance with the communities’ identified needs and priorities, including those regarding health services and support.
A ‘One Health’ approach to conservation: The YUS landscape is extremely remote, even by Papua New Guinea’s standards. The communities, spread across 50 villages among the area’s steep mountains and valleys, are highly dependent on their local natural resources and the services provided by their ecosystem (clean water, productive soil for crops, abundant wildlife for protein, etc). Recognizing that there is a close, interdependent relationship among the health of humans, wildlife, and the environment, TKCP’s One Health approach to conservation in YUS serves to develop local knowledge, capacity, and leadership of efforts to maintain the health of the community by protecting the health of – and interaction with – animals and nature.
Over the past 20 years, TKCP has undertaken a variety of approaches to increase health awareness, promote good health, and respond to the gaps and challenges for local healthcare access in YUS including: - Training and basic resources for Village Birth Attendants (local volunteer midwives) who provide essential
support and assistance for pregnant women, mothers, and infants, given local lack of access to hospitals and medical professionals.
- Information and resources for local ‘Peer Health Educators’ responsible for community health awareness, preventative health measures, and healthcare referrals.
- Training and information for community members regarding good hygiene, sanitation, and other preventative health measures in accordance with PNG’s Healthy Island Concept.
- Periodic ‘clinic’ workshops in collaboration with international volunteer physicians and medical professionals, providing communities with occasional (every 2 years) access to medical diagnosis, advice, basic treatment and/or healthcare referral.
- Ongoing distribution of off-grid solar home lighting systems to reduce household dependence on firelight and reduce families’ exposure to smoke inhalation.
Moving forward, TKCP will strengthen its partnerships and collaboration with health-focused local organizations and agencies including the Morobe Provincial Health Authority in order to, 1) promote community awareness and empowerment for practical, locally-led health solutions in accordance with One Health principles and PNG’s Healthy Island Concept, and 2) facilitate improvements for community access to, and quality of, local health services including Health Centers, Aid Posts, and Village Birth Attendants. TKCP’s programming will support, leverage, and complement the government’s ongoing rural health programs while mobilizing community action and nature-based solutions for clean water, clean air, hygiene and sanitation, healthy and abundant food, good nutrition, and more. In coordination with Ward Development Committees and community leaders, TKCP will also facilitate integration of local health priorities into communities’ natural resource management efforts.
The One Health Network Coordinator will lead the development and implementation of TKCP’s One Health program, centered around the Healthy Island Concept’s community empowerment and mobilization approach complemented by the provision of targeted training and resources for local health workers and community health leaders, in collaboration with Morobe Provincial Health Authority and other partners.
He/she will engage, support, and collaborate with a network of community health champions (peer educators) to mobilize awareness and action in response to local health priorities and concerns. Together with colleagues and partners, he/she will facilitate, pursue, and advocate for stakeholder support for communities’ preventative health measures and nature-based solutions relating to clean water, clean air, good nutrition, and healthy families.
Through the development and formalization of TKCP’s partnership with Morobe Provincial Health Authority and other health service delivery partners, the One Health Network Coordinator will identify gaps in the YUS Conservation Area’s healthcare services, facilities, and technical capacities to determine the scope of TKCP’s support – with particular consideration for maternal and child health and nutrition, reproductive health, immunizations, and detection/treatment for respiratory and other prevalent diseases. These partnerships will guide and inform the design/focus of TKCP’s future provision of medical training and capacity-building for health workers in YUS, provided by local and international physicians and medical specialists.
Summary of Key Responsibilities
supporting frontline health workers, local facilities, reporting and referral networks in collaboration with partners
Selection criteria:
Work Environment: The role will require frequent travels into harsh rugged mountainous terrains and geographical settings and requires a person who has prior experience into very remote community settings as well as someone who of good physical health. |
TKCP is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex, colour, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability
To apply, please email or mail a cover letter addressing each selection criteria, CV, copies of university transcripts, and at least three reference names and contact information, by close-of-business on 28 March 2025. Address application and supporting materials to:
Associate Director
Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program - PNG
PO Box 360
5th Street Professionals Building
Lae, Morobe Province, PNG
Or email to: [email protected]
The position is anticipated to start in May 2025. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis until a successful applicant is identified.
All applicants are encouraged to review the TKCP-PNG website:, and PNG’s National Policy on Health Promotion:
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The Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program (TKCP) is a model conservation program for Papua New Guinea(PNG) that benefits wildlife, people, and the environment. Since 1996 TKCP has worked with communities ...
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Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program - PNG PO Box 360 5th Street Professionals Building Lae, Morobe Province, PNG