Morobe, Papua New Guinea
Administration / Office Support, Education and Training, Government, Management, Professional Services, Research
14th March 2025
Are you an accomplished academic leader passionate about postgraduate education, research, and innovation? The Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNGUoT) is seeking an exceptional candidate to be the Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, Research & Innovation.
The Dean will enhance the quality of postgraduate education, research and innovation at PNGUoT to drive growth, diversity, and excellence in research and education by providing strong leadership and vision. The Dean will manage the postgraduate School’s resources sustainably, aligning with the University’s strategic goals, and will contribute to resource expansion through advancement efforts and externally supported research as appropriate. Reporting to the Pro Vice Chancellor Academic, Dean will lead efforts to align programs with international standards and strengthen research collaborations with industry and government.
Conditions of Service
Base Salary Range: Professor PGK95,366 - PGK116,558 per annum
Base DMA Range: PGK43,069 - PGK74,653 per annum
DMA = Domestic Market Allowance
(Level of appointment depends upon qualification and experience)
Application Procedure
Detailed application with curriculum vitae including certified copies of qualifications, names and addresses including email addresses, phone numbers of three (3) current referees including one from past/present employer, if any, should be sent to the address below:
The Executive Director - Human Resources
PNG University of Technology
Private Mail Bag
Lae, 411
Papua New Guinea
Applications must be compiled and sent as one PDF file to [email protected], indicating their earliest availability for the appointment.
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