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Anitua Mining Services - Employer Profile

From small beginnings, the Anitua group has grown to include a broad range of businesses. 2008 saw the formation of a corporate team, working for Anitua Ltd, who provide management and support services to the group.

Today, shareholders comprise six clan groups from the Lihir Group of Islands, plus the local level government business arm. The purpose of establishing the Anitua Group was to provide a means for landowners to participate in the Lihir Gold project, one of the world’s largest gold mines. Today, the Anitua Group is one of the largest single suppliers of goods and services to Newcrest (Lihir Gold Ltd). The group is now focusing on expansion throughout PNG.

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From small beginnings, the Anitua group has grown to include a broad range of businesses. 2008 saw the formation of a corporate team, working for Anitua Ltd, who provide management and support services ...
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(+675) 986 4633

Lihir Island Papua New Guinea