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Frabelle (PNG) Limited - Employer Profile

Frabelle Fishing Corporation responded to the call for the development of the domestic tuna fishery in Papua New Guinea by establishing Frabelle (PNG) Ltd in Lae, Papua New Guinea in 1989.
Frabelle (PNG) Ltd acquired its first tuna purse seine vessel in 1998. Today, our fishing activi-ties continue to grow by acquiring and/or chartering additional vessels in improving the tuna fish exports of Papua New Guinea with the use of state-of-the-art technologies and sustainable fishing practices, combined with social and environmental responsiveness.
On-shore activities started with the production of ice, quick freezing and cold storage services for the local fishing industry and the establishment of a net yard, support services and facilities for our fishing fleet.

Frabelle (PNG) Ltd constructed it’s own wharf facilities to land their catch and delivered to canning facilities fresh from the ocean.

Frabelle (PNG) Ltd supports Papua New Guinea initiative to make the Pacific a Premier Tuna processing center of the world

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Frabelle Fishing Corporation responded to the call for the development of the domestic tuna fishery in Papua New Guinea by establishing Frabelle (PNG) Ltd in Lae, Papua New Guinea in 1989. Frabelle (PNG) ...
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P.O. Box 1255 Sec. 277, Lot 1 Speybank St. Lae City, Morobe Province.