Treid Pacific is a 100% National Company, comprising of 80 staff or so, and has been in operation for over 30 years in Papua New Guinea. Based in Port Moresby, the philosophy of the Company is to Partner the Department of Education in all areas contributing to Quality Education for All in PNG.
Additionally, Treid operates a Commercial Printing Division, running several offset printing presses and related pre press and post press machinery and equipment. Treid also undertakes joint development of PNG curriculum and printing of text books and other education resource materials.
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Treid Pacific is a 100% National Company, comprising of 80 staff or so, and has been in operation for over 30 years in Papua New Guinea. Based in Port Moresby, the philosophy of the Company is to Partner ...
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Section 52, Lot 80, Varahe Street, Gordons. N.C.D